CDR Swiss Working Groups

CDR Swiss members have the possibility to activly engage in the two Working Groups, WG R&D, Innovation and Pilots and WG Policy co-hosted by the CDR Swiss platform. The Working Groups organise regular online meeting which are open to all platform members. The general aim is to create a space where CDR topics can collaboratively be discusses and developed.

CDR R&D Innovation and Pilots Working Group

In the CDR Swiss Working Group R&D, Innovation & Pilots, platform members from industry, administration, research and civil society engage in open communication within a supportive network. They share project ideas, results, learnings from past failures, currrent challenges, and future scaling of CDR methods. The WG focuses on bridging the gap between innovative research and large-scale pilots and operationalization. It serves as a sounding board, offering feedback on CDR R&D, innovation and pilot activities, and exploring potential synergies. Members exchange information on innovation trends, ongoing and planned projects, funding opportunities, and collaboration prospects. The group, co-chaired by Cyril Brunner (ETH Zürich), Björn Niesen (EMPA) and Samuel Eberenz (Risiko-Dialog), meets online every 1.5 months and holds at least one in-person meeting annually to foster networking. A mailing list facilitates information sharing and communication between meetings. Join us to drive innovation and collaboration in Swiss CDR R&D and pilot initiatives.

CDR Policy Working Group

In Switzerland, policies and regulations around Carbon Dioxide Removal are just emerging. With the CDR Swiss Policy working groups, we aim to facilitate enabling framework conditions for a sustainable and jointly designed scale-up of CDR. We do this from a multistakeholder perspective, for instance, from consulting, research or industry. In addition we provide a space for internal exchange on policy-related developments and activities between our members. The working group, co-chaired by Nicoletta Brazzola (ETH Zurich), Valentina Nesa (EBP) and Nicolas Solenthaler (Risiko-Dialog) meets online every ~1.5 months , with at least one get together in presence to foster networking. A mailing list allows members to share information, ask questions and get in touch in-between meetings. Help shape fruitful enabling conditions for CDR in Switzerland!

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